Has it really been a year since WrestleMania Play Button? The show that, the Internet claimed, would end in a chorus of boos and rioting fans as Roman Reigns took the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar? As usual, the Internet was wrong. I was, as well, in some of my predictions on this very blog. That's what makes WrestleMania fun. It is, and always will be, unpredictable. Even if you know that your favorite is leaving the event a winner, something is guaranteed to happen that will leave you wowed. Unless we're talking WrestleMania 27 (my official pick as worst of all-time).
It's often been said, but now I can officially say it: it really hasn't felt like the fabled "WrestleMania Season." I'm not speaking of the event itself, but rather the unusual and haphazard (even for WWE) build to the event. A multitude of things occurred in the lead-up, including countless injuries, to give WWE a bit of a break. However, I still feel that more could have been done to conjure up at least a portion of the usual fanfare. The last few episodes of Raw have felt bleak and uninspired. Some say that WWE dug themselves into this particular hole with a failure to create new stars, but who is to say that they wouldn't have fallen victim to injury as well? After all, my pick for the individual who should be topping WWE in this era, Cesaro, is among the injured.
Nonetheless, this Sunday we will be treated to hours upon hours of WWE spectacle and sizzle. As of this writing, eleven matches are scheduled with a great deal of confusion as to which will be on the main show and which will be on the two hour pre-show. To be honest, it makes little deal to me which are on which show--it's all WrestleMania. If WWE chooses to split it up in that manner, it's their decision. My problem arises with the multiple musical performances and additional ridiculousness that often fill Mania.
I like to say that WrestleMania 29, my live Mania experience, was the "wrestling" WrestleMania. Aside from a brief musical interlude (which provided a perfect MetLife restroom break), the event was devoid of skits and the like that send most wrestling fans racing to their keyboards in disgust. I think that it had to be some sort of experiment to see if they could pull off a Mania without the trendy bull, and I don't think we'll be that lucky again. WWE sees other events such as the SuperBowl gaining extra attention for all of the non-sports fare and feels that it just has to top it.
Away from the soapbox, we do indeed have those eleven matches. In addition to the confusion of which will be on the main show, there's the yearly speculation as to what will go on last. I'm of the belief that the Hell in the Cell encounter should end the show, as interest in anything else doesn't even come close. Since the match also has stipulations that will most certainly affect the company in a storyline sense going forward, it's absolutely the way that I would do it.
Indeed nothing has more interest on the card than the battle between The Undertaker and the returning Shane McMahon. I have no problem with someone who hasn't wrestled in years and a part-timer headlining the show. It's the story that was cultivated after injuries forced change and in-turn brought intrigue that the card may not have otherwise had. I feel it's almost certain that McMahon will win the match, as the whole deal will feel rather pointless if he fails. The fun will be in how he gets there and what happens because of his win. The appearances of several legends should happen here and somehow factor in. I hesitate to compare it to the interference in last year's Triple H-Sting match as that was more of a nostalgia deal. The interference here should end up meaning something in the long run.
The other important bout, albeit with much less interest, is the WWE Championship match. I was fully behind Roman Reigns being in last years title match, but once was enough. That being said, I'm in the camp that wants a heel turn if he is indeed going to be "the guy." Perhaps a loss here will spurn that heel turn? Depending on match order, maybe the outcome of this match factors into the end of Hell in the Cell.
Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose is positioned third from the top and has a rather forced feeling to me. As I always have, I look at matches as if the thing was, in a sense, a shoot. Does Dean Ambrose look like he can really do anything to Lesnar? No. WWE obviously sees this too, which is why they have given Ambrose "hand-me-down" weapons from the past to use in the match. Well, in no world is anyone is using a chainsaw in a match nor is Ambrose beating Lesnar. Add that to what we've all heard about WWE not considering Ambrose to be a top guy, and you have your answer. I think that we'll see some interesting spots in the match and it may end up entertaining in a sleeper sense, but I just cannot see "The Conqueror" leaving with a loss.
The women's three-way for the Divas Championship is also being promoted fairly high on the card and has had a fairly decent build. I see Charlotte retaining, although it could just be because I have interest in Sasha Banks winning at all. I really didn't buy her in NXT and I'm still not that big of a fan. Certainly she's better in-ring than many of the girls on the main roster, but the entire package does nothing for me. I'm not alone in desperately wanting Becky Lynch to take it all. The Irish bundle of cute is a favorite of many, but I just don't see her taking it. I'm really hoping to be surprised here...
The AJ Styles-Chris Jericho and Intercontinental Title matches will both deliver. No one is doubting that. I think that we'll see Styles debut at Mania with a win and possibly a similar outcome for Kevin Owens. I can guarantee you that, despite the Internet salivating at his inclusion, Zack Ryder isn't leaving the show with anything but a loss. He seems like a good guy, but you can lump him in with Banks in the pile that I just never grasped the appeal of.
There has also been a lot of chatter surrounding The New Day match. The tag team title trio is going against The League of Nations, but any random group of heels could have been plugged in here. The League could have been something great, but instead are presented as nothing more than heels that fill up spots. The focus here is The New Day and they aren't losing. Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer has said that WWE will be giving them the rub here, and some have wondered if that means a fourth partner will be joining them. My mind has floated over to some possible help from the "Real American" (no, not Jack Swagger) in disposing of the evil foreigners. Perhaps an endorsement from The New Day at the biggest show of the year is just what The Hulkster needs for anyone who still harbors ill-will?
The ten-woman mishmash tag will be an additional bathroom break if the musical "numbers" don't provide enough of one. I'm sorry that Nattie, Foxy, and Emma are stuck in that. The Dudleys should easily dispose of The Usos in my eyes, but it will likely be the other way around. I enjoy both Kalisto and Ryback, but I've never been a "big vs little" fan.
That leaves us with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. I've loved battle royals as long as I've been a wrestling fan, and the first two "Andre's" have been fun. Mark Henry should win it for a multitude of reasons. A member of #SocialOutcasts would also be a fun choice. For some reason...I'm feeling that Kane will find himself as the last man standing.
There it is, folks. WrestleMania...Star. It's WrestleMania--it's going to be fun (unless it's 27). No one is going to be pleased with everything, but there SHOULD be something for everyone. Last year no one thought that it would be our last Mania weekend with the likes of Dusty Rhodes and Rowdy Roddy Piper. It was. Let's all enjoy what we have, who we have, and that we live in a time and place where something as trivial as WrestleMania can be simultaneously and endlessly debated, critiqued, and cherished.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Star Wars Awakens
The trailer has hit. The new movie is less than two months away. Star Wars is back. The universe that has intrigued our own world for nearly forty is looking to have a new beginning. What does it all mean?
I've had an up-and-down relationship with the Star Wars universe over the years. It always seems that the height of my interest piques when the rest of the world is tired of it. Born in 1982, I apparently "saw" Return of the Jedi at a drive-in, but despite a great memory of things as a baby, I don't remember it. Instead, my conscious memories of Star Wars begin in 1987. At a flea market held as part of a local church bazaar, my father and I found a box of Star Wars figures. They were purchased for me, and my parents promised to show me the films (on BETA!) over the next few weeks. One particular figure intrigued me. When we got home I held it up and proclaimed that it "looked just like Billy Dee Williams!" My dad and aunt both confirmed to me that it was indeed Billy Dee. I'm still not sure where I knew him from to even make the comparison.
When I did see the movies, I loved them. What also helped my fandom is that the merchandise was either dirt cheap on clearance or easy to be found second hand. You see, in the hottest days of my own interest in the brand, Star Wars was dead to the rest of the world. A forgotten milestone in cinema. There was little-to-no new merchandise being produced as the movies were finished at that point. In elementary school most of my peers had no idea what Star Wars was. A few thought that I was referring to "Spaceballs." Others thought it was "Space Wars." Aside from a few kids who were lucky enough to be exposed to it as I was, the adventures of Luke, Leia, and Han were lost on my generation.
In the mid-1990s, merchandise slowly revved up again. Kenner began remaking the action figures, and Lucasfilm even created an "everything-but-a-movie" story called Shadows of the Empire that generated some buzz, especially with the Nintendo 64 video game. That, coupled with the release of the "Special Edition" versions of the original movies, brought Star Wars back into vogue.
Then came the prequels.
The following isn't going to be your average prequel complaint session. My only real personal anger towards them is that they didn't come sooner when I could have fully enjoyed the toys and all of the other tie-ins. Sure I went to see them and enjoyed them, but I felt cheated. I was at an in-between age. I had other interests and I simply wasn't as immersed as I would have been had they arrived even five years earlier.
Then came the unnecessary hate.
In a move that I rarely make, I let an overrun opinion sway me. Even though I remembered enjoying the movies in the theaters and when they hit home video, the constant bashing of them in media made me think that I actually didn't like them. Yes, I always remember thinking that long, convoluted ways were taken in some instances in order to link the old and new stories, but I was otherwise impressed. They looked great, had excitement, and covered the origins of so much that I grew up loving. Did they look the same as the originals? Not always, but we must also remember that the original stories were largely confined to just a handful of planets and locales. Would that have been different had the technology been available in that 1977-1983 span? Maybe. But the confinement of the originals just furthers the idea of a war torn universe. It was dark, utilitarian, and under complete control of the Empire. The prequel years began in the exact opposite time and style.
This is also the time that a lot of what I consider "toxic fandom" began to pop-up. You don't have to enjoy all of the films, concepts, or characters to be a fan, but wishing death on people because they "ruined" your childhood by doing something that you didn't like in a fictional movie? Please. You may not have a clue as to the things I'm referring to here. If that's the case, you're better off and I shall pay it no more attention.
Even though I'd had all six films on DVD, I rarely watched them. Between things going on in my life and that media-born lack of love for the prequels still stuck in my head, it wasn't until 2011 that Star Wars truly came back into my life. When the Blu-Ray collection was released, I felt as if I was discovering all six movies again for the first time. It isn't at all odd for me to watch the whole story about twice a year, in either the "chronological" or "release" order, depending on my mood.
And now, The Force Awakens. My favorite of all of the films has always been Return of the Jedi. The nicely wrapped up ending always worked for me, but now we're going to learn that it was apparently only temporary. As of this writing, we still don't know much of anything regarding the film, despite what is said to be the final trailer released just days ago. Leaks have suggested some major story turns and the secrecy surrounding the entire project only helps fuel those fires.
I was not blown away by the trailer, although I enjoyed it. I still cannot conceptualize the film in my head, which I guess is a good thing. From what has been shown, the visual feel is a mishmash of both the original films and the prequels, which is what I'm guessing is the intent. After all, we want the themes and characters from the iconic original trilogy, but they must branch out into a larger world if their stories are to continue. I've also noticed that the lighthearted charm that was peppered throughout all of the other movies is nowhere to be found in any of the previews that we've seen. I'm sure that it will pop up somewhere, otherwise it wouldn't be Star Wars. It's going to be an interesting ride.
I won't lie and say that the marketing has completely passed me by. I gave into temptation and picked up a few of the action figures of the new characters. Hasbro decided to return to the basic "Kenner style" for the 3 3/4 inch toys, and anytime that I can relive some nostalgia is a good day for me. For a few reasons, I'm not sure when I'll actually see the movie, but I don't think that I'll be disappointed. Just like the originals and the prequels, this is a new view of the Star Wars universe. Familiar yet foreign. Comforting yet edge-of-your-seat exciting. The creators knew all that they had to do in order to please everyone who will be watching.
May the Force be with them...
I've had an up-and-down relationship with the Star Wars universe over the years. It always seems that the height of my interest piques when the rest of the world is tired of it. Born in 1982, I apparently "saw" Return of the Jedi at a drive-in, but despite a great memory of things as a baby, I don't remember it. Instead, my conscious memories of Star Wars begin in 1987. At a flea market held as part of a local church bazaar, my father and I found a box of Star Wars figures. They were purchased for me, and my parents promised to show me the films (on BETA!) over the next few weeks. One particular figure intrigued me. When we got home I held it up and proclaimed that it "looked just like Billy Dee Williams!" My dad and aunt both confirmed to me that it was indeed Billy Dee. I'm still not sure where I knew him from to even make the comparison.
When I did see the movies, I loved them. What also helped my fandom is that the merchandise was either dirt cheap on clearance or easy to be found second hand. You see, in the hottest days of my own interest in the brand, Star Wars was dead to the rest of the world. A forgotten milestone in cinema. There was little-to-no new merchandise being produced as the movies were finished at that point. In elementary school most of my peers had no idea what Star Wars was. A few thought that I was referring to "Spaceballs." Others thought it was "Space Wars." Aside from a few kids who were lucky enough to be exposed to it as I was, the adventures of Luke, Leia, and Han were lost on my generation.
In the mid-1990s, merchandise slowly revved up again. Kenner began remaking the action figures, and Lucasfilm even created an "everything-but-a-movie" story called Shadows of the Empire that generated some buzz, especially with the Nintendo 64 video game. That, coupled with the release of the "Special Edition" versions of the original movies, brought Star Wars back into vogue.
Then came the prequels.
The following isn't going to be your average prequel complaint session. My only real personal anger towards them is that they didn't come sooner when I could have fully enjoyed the toys and all of the other tie-ins. Sure I went to see them and enjoyed them, but I felt cheated. I was at an in-between age. I had other interests and I simply wasn't as immersed as I would have been had they arrived even five years earlier.
Then came the unnecessary hate.
In a move that I rarely make, I let an overrun opinion sway me. Even though I remembered enjoying the movies in the theaters and when they hit home video, the constant bashing of them in media made me think that I actually didn't like them. Yes, I always remember thinking that long, convoluted ways were taken in some instances in order to link the old and new stories, but I was otherwise impressed. They looked great, had excitement, and covered the origins of so much that I grew up loving. Did they look the same as the originals? Not always, but we must also remember that the original stories were largely confined to just a handful of planets and locales. Would that have been different had the technology been available in that 1977-1983 span? Maybe. But the confinement of the originals just furthers the idea of a war torn universe. It was dark, utilitarian, and under complete control of the Empire. The prequel years began in the exact opposite time and style.
This is also the time that a lot of what I consider "toxic fandom" began to pop-up. You don't have to enjoy all of the films, concepts, or characters to be a fan, but wishing death on people because they "ruined" your childhood by doing something that you didn't like in a fictional movie? Please. You may not have a clue as to the things I'm referring to here. If that's the case, you're better off and I shall pay it no more attention.
Even though I'd had all six films on DVD, I rarely watched them. Between things going on in my life and that media-born lack of love for the prequels still stuck in my head, it wasn't until 2011 that Star Wars truly came back into my life. When the Blu-Ray collection was released, I felt as if I was discovering all six movies again for the first time. It isn't at all odd for me to watch the whole story about twice a year, in either the "chronological" or "release" order, depending on my mood.
And now, The Force Awakens. My favorite of all of the films has always been Return of the Jedi. The nicely wrapped up ending always worked for me, but now we're going to learn that it was apparently only temporary. As of this writing, we still don't know much of anything regarding the film, despite what is said to be the final trailer released just days ago. Leaks have suggested some major story turns and the secrecy surrounding the entire project only helps fuel those fires.
I was not blown away by the trailer, although I enjoyed it. I still cannot conceptualize the film in my head, which I guess is a good thing. From what has been shown, the visual feel is a mishmash of both the original films and the prequels, which is what I'm guessing is the intent. After all, we want the themes and characters from the iconic original trilogy, but they must branch out into a larger world if their stories are to continue. I've also noticed that the lighthearted charm that was peppered throughout all of the other movies is nowhere to be found in any of the previews that we've seen. I'm sure that it will pop up somewhere, otherwise it wouldn't be Star Wars. It's going to be an interesting ride.
I won't lie and say that the marketing has completely passed me by. I gave into temptation and picked up a few of the action figures of the new characters. Hasbro decided to return to the basic "Kenner style" for the 3 3/4 inch toys, and anytime that I can relive some nostalgia is a good day for me. For a few reasons, I'm not sure when I'll actually see the movie, but I don't think that I'll be disappointed. Just like the originals and the prequels, this is a new view of the Star Wars universe. Familiar yet foreign. Comforting yet edge-of-your-seat exciting. The creators knew all that they had to do in order to please everyone who will be watching.
May the Force be with them...
Friday, September 11, 2015
Random Memories on an Unassuming 14th Anniversary...
"Where were you on 9/11?"
Whenever I hear that question asked, my mind reads it in Larry King's voice. For years after the tragic events, he would seemingly ask every guest that question at some point on his show. It wasn't unusual. For years, the terrorist attacks dominated a lot of American thoughts. Phrases like "Since 9/11" and "the post-9/11 world" were peppered throughout every news broadcast. Some call that "the terrorists winning." I call it "human nature."
To answer Larry's question, I was at home. On the couch. Sleeping. I had graduated from high school that Spring and was "taking a year off." That year lasted until the Fall of 2003 after finding a fun way to make some money, but there I was. Like many, I had first thought of that small plane that crashed into the Empire State Building in the 1940s. It had to be an accident. Pilot confusion. The thought that it was a clear day didn't enter my mind...until the second one hit on live TV before my eyes.
The night before it had been business as normal. I was up late, chatting with a female friend from high school on the "social media" of that time--AOL Instant Messenger. I probably made a little meal (my eating habits were way off-base then) and planned my day for Tuesday. A haircut and Denny's (a coupon, don't you know...) were on tap. Neither ended up happening, but not due to the tragedies. A dead car battery altered my own plans. I still remember waiting on my battery to be replaced. A television was on, switched to CNN, in the waiting room. They were airing some sort of shelling going on in the Middle East. A chubby, middle-aged woman also sitting in the room started cheering. I knew that what we were seeing had little to do with the events of the day, but I guess it provided a bit of hope. I was hopeless.
To my knowledge, I didn't know anyone who was directly affected by losing a friend or family member. I do know that it changed me. I had yet to experience much personal tragedy whatsoever, so a perceived change in the American way of life was the closest thing. For years when hearing a plane above, I would locate it with my eyes to make sure that it wasn't veering suspiciously. When approaching my home city by car, I would scan the skyline. Until my own first, life-jarring loss six years later, the 9/11 memories lingered.
Every year around this time, I go back, watch videos, and read stories. No one wants to relive it, but it's a part of our history that shouldn't be forgotten. Scarily enough, we now have young adults who don't even remember the day by their own memories.
I often think about how advanced we felt we were in 2001, yet by comparison to today it was almost the stone age. Can you imagine if 9/11 had happened in the era of Facebook and Twitter? Cell phones were catching on fast, but there were few if any camera phones. I've often wondered just what different glimpses we would have of the events of that day had today's non-stop picture snapping culture been prevalent.
Next year, the remembrances and media will likely be heavy for the 15th anniversary. This year, aside from a few cable TV specials and day-of news coverage, will probably be quiet. That's why I chose now to formulate my own remembrance. It's the Pearl Harbor or 11/22/63 of my generation. The type of history that we hope never gains another comparison.
Whenever I hear that question asked, my mind reads it in Larry King's voice. For years after the tragic events, he would seemingly ask every guest that question at some point on his show. It wasn't unusual. For years, the terrorist attacks dominated a lot of American thoughts. Phrases like "Since 9/11" and "the post-9/11 world" were peppered throughout every news broadcast. Some call that "the terrorists winning." I call it "human nature."
To answer Larry's question, I was at home. On the couch. Sleeping. I had graduated from high school that Spring and was "taking a year off." That year lasted until the Fall of 2003 after finding a fun way to make some money, but there I was. Like many, I had first thought of that small plane that crashed into the Empire State Building in the 1940s. It had to be an accident. Pilot confusion. The thought that it was a clear day didn't enter my mind...until the second one hit on live TV before my eyes.
The night before it had been business as normal. I was up late, chatting with a female friend from high school on the "social media" of that time--AOL Instant Messenger. I probably made a little meal (my eating habits were way off-base then) and planned my day for Tuesday. A haircut and Denny's (a coupon, don't you know...) were on tap. Neither ended up happening, but not due to the tragedies. A dead car battery altered my own plans. I still remember waiting on my battery to be replaced. A television was on, switched to CNN, in the waiting room. They were airing some sort of shelling going on in the Middle East. A chubby, middle-aged woman also sitting in the room started cheering. I knew that what we were seeing had little to do with the events of the day, but I guess it provided a bit of hope. I was hopeless.
To my knowledge, I didn't know anyone who was directly affected by losing a friend or family member. I do know that it changed me. I had yet to experience much personal tragedy whatsoever, so a perceived change in the American way of life was the closest thing. For years when hearing a plane above, I would locate it with my eyes to make sure that it wasn't veering suspiciously. When approaching my home city by car, I would scan the skyline. Until my own first, life-jarring loss six years later, the 9/11 memories lingered.
Every year around this time, I go back, watch videos, and read stories. No one wants to relive it, but it's a part of our history that shouldn't be forgotten. Scarily enough, we now have young adults who don't even remember the day by their own memories.
I often think about how advanced we felt we were in 2001, yet by comparison to today it was almost the stone age. Can you imagine if 9/11 had happened in the era of Facebook and Twitter? Cell phones were catching on fast, but there were few if any camera phones. I've often wondered just what different glimpses we would have of the events of that day had today's non-stop picture snapping culture been prevalent.
Next year, the remembrances and media will likely be heavy for the 15th anniversary. This year, aside from a few cable TV specials and day-of news coverage, will probably be quiet. That's why I chose now to formulate my own remembrance. It's the Pearl Harbor or 11/22/63 of my generation. The type of history that we hope never gains another comparison.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Heyyyy Laaaady, I Miss Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis isn't dead. As I type this he's 89-years-old and still touring with a comedy show. To the general public who don't bother checking up on him, he may as well be. For decades, Lewis hosted the MDA Labor Day Telethon. For those of you who weren't paying attention back then, the telethon was a nearly-22-hour long event that began on Sunday night and went on through Labor Day. Stars from all walks of entertainment would make appearances in hope that you would donate to the battle against muscular dystrophy.
A few years ago, Lewis was dumped by the Muscular Dystrophy Association for undisclosed reasons. He was their chairman and had run the telethon itself for decades. The telethon lingered in pathetic shorter versions for a few years, but I ended my financial support. I have since learned that the telethon no longer exists in any form.
My memories of the telethon go way back. My parents always watched, which of course meant that I did as well. I can remember breakfasts out on Labor Day Sunday mornings where we would discuss who and what they would put on that year to get donations. In the newspaper that weekend, the pull-out Parade Magazine always featured the telethon. I also remember year-round ads for the event inside of Service Merchandise stores, as the retailer was a major supporter.
When Sunday night came around, you wanted to stay up and watch. Although live television was hardly new, it made it all feel a bit more special. This was before everyone was constantly online, so a live, nationwide broadcast made you feel connected. The often used telethon tagline of "Stay up and watch the stars come out!" only added to that feeling.
In the years before I was born and into the '80s and early '90s, the event attracted very big names. The most famous moment in telethon history, Frank Sinatra reuniting Lewis and his estranged partner Dean Martin, happened before my time, but the show still seemed like a big deal. As the event continued into the late-'90s, you could definitely notice a dip in "A-List" acts, but the fact was that many of Lewis' own contemporaries were long gone and many acts of the then-new day simply didn't seem to care.
My family donated when we could, and for some unknown reason I recall always playing with my Star Wars toys while watching. I would fall asleep with the telethon on, and always seemed to wake up to some sort of loud Stomp-esque dance number. As my family didn't stay home much on days that my dad had off, I often missed a lot of the Labor Day portion, but usually saw Jerry's final tally where he usually (but not always) made his yearly goal of "one dollar more." That last drum roll, always called for by longtime co-host Ed McMahon, was followed by Jerry's rendition of "You'll Never Walk Alone." That song, as well as "Smile," were telethon staples that will always be remembered as such.
A few times I actually got to see our local Pittsburgh portion live and in-person. Nationwide, the local channel broadcasting the telethon often hosted their own local portion with their own fundraising and appearances. WPXI would host the Pittsburgh broadcast from the fabled Monroeville Mall. Pittsburgh broadcasting renaissance man Bill "Chilly Billy" Cardille was the head of the local efforts. Cardille, one of the nicest people that you could ever meet, had a long career in Pittsburgh on radio and more notably on television as a weatherman, host of late-night movie series "Chiller Theater," and Studio Wrestling. Cardille's co-stars from those shows, including wrestling legend Bruno Sammartino, often came down to the mall to help man the telethon phone bank. This actually granted me my first in-person glimpse of the wrestling legend, not knowing that I would meet him many times years later.
Of course, what the event really boiled down to was helping the cause. "Jerry's Kids" were featured prominently throughout both the national and local portions. Some called it exploitative. Yes, even then we, sadly, had social justice warriors trying to make themselves feel good. My parents always made sure that I understood what these afflicted kids (and adults) were going through and why the cause was important. Luke Christie and the late Mattie Stepanek are two of the featured children who stay in my mind, both of whom served as National Goodwill Ambassadors.
Fortunately, many clips and segments of the classic telethons remain on YouTube. As a child, I always wondered what would happen to the telethon once Mr. Lewis passed on, but it turns out that he outlived it, and not for the reason that he was hoping for--finding a cure. Still, his efforts likely continue to benefit MDA even after their dismissal of him. Kids suffering from the terrible neuromuscular diseases have lived much longer and enjoyable lives than they would have, had those dollars not been raised. Again, those folks are the ones who it was really all about.
A few years ago, Lewis was dumped by the Muscular Dystrophy Association for undisclosed reasons. He was their chairman and had run the telethon itself for decades. The telethon lingered in pathetic shorter versions for a few years, but I ended my financial support. I have since learned that the telethon no longer exists in any form.
My memories of the telethon go way back. My parents always watched, which of course meant that I did as well. I can remember breakfasts out on Labor Day Sunday mornings where we would discuss who and what they would put on that year to get donations. In the newspaper that weekend, the pull-out Parade Magazine always featured the telethon. I also remember year-round ads for the event inside of Service Merchandise stores, as the retailer was a major supporter.
When Sunday night came around, you wanted to stay up and watch. Although live television was hardly new, it made it all feel a bit more special. This was before everyone was constantly online, so a live, nationwide broadcast made you feel connected. The often used telethon tagline of "Stay up and watch the stars come out!" only added to that feeling.
In the years before I was born and into the '80s and early '90s, the event attracted very big names. The most famous moment in telethon history, Frank Sinatra reuniting Lewis and his estranged partner Dean Martin, happened before my time, but the show still seemed like a big deal. As the event continued into the late-'90s, you could definitely notice a dip in "A-List" acts, but the fact was that many of Lewis' own contemporaries were long gone and many acts of the then-new day simply didn't seem to care.
My family donated when we could, and for some unknown reason I recall always playing with my Star Wars toys while watching. I would fall asleep with the telethon on, and always seemed to wake up to some sort of loud Stomp-esque dance number. As my family didn't stay home much on days that my dad had off, I often missed a lot of the Labor Day portion, but usually saw Jerry's final tally where he usually (but not always) made his yearly goal of "one dollar more." That last drum roll, always called for by longtime co-host Ed McMahon, was followed by Jerry's rendition of "You'll Never Walk Alone." That song, as well as "Smile," were telethon staples that will always be remembered as such.

Of course, what the event really boiled down to was helping the cause. "Jerry's Kids" were featured prominently throughout both the national and local portions. Some called it exploitative. Yes, even then we, sadly, had social justice warriors trying to make themselves feel good. My parents always made sure that I understood what these afflicted kids (and adults) were going through and why the cause was important. Luke Christie and the late Mattie Stepanek are two of the featured children who stay in my mind, both of whom served as National Goodwill Ambassadors.
Fortunately, many clips and segments of the classic telethons remain on YouTube. As a child, I always wondered what would happen to the telethon once Mr. Lewis passed on, but it turns out that he outlived it, and not for the reason that he was hoping for--finding a cure. Still, his efforts likely continue to benefit MDA even after their dismissal of him. Kids suffering from the terrible neuromuscular diseases have lived much longer and enjoyable lives than they would have, had those dollars not been raised. Again, those folks are the ones who it was really all about.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
A "Royal" Portion of My Childhood...At Kings
I don't do the Chipotle's of the world. Not that there is anything wrong with those types of establishments, I was just raised differently. My parents liked to eat out. They didn't go to movies, bowl, or have card games. Going out to restaurants was their enjoyment, and when I came along it was something that they shared with me. They weren't big on fast food, but rather being served in a clean and pleasant atmosphere. Family restaurants were big then, and while Pittsburgh had its share of local, regional, and national chains, our standby was always Kings.
Kings has been back in the Pittsburgh news as of late, as founder Hartley King has finally found a buyer for the chain following a long search. A California firm is slated to take over the thirty-odd restaurants in the near future. The "Frownie Brownie" (a dessert designed to oppose rival chain Eat 'n Park's "Smiley Cookie") is said to be the first casualty following the takeover, with some menu changes and in-store remodeling to follow. Fortunately, my memories of Kings are from before the "Frownie" era of the restaurant chain.
When I was a toddler, my mother would walk us down to our local Kings Family Restaurant on nice afternoons. It wasn't very far from our townhouse, and at the time we were a one-car family. The staff all got to know me, and for the better part of fifteen years, I grew up in that building. As I aged, the waitresses would always comment that they recalled when I was being carried into the place. I was a well-behaved kid, though I do remember throwing a fit the evening that, shortly after recovering from some sort of childhood ailment, my mom would not let me order what I was craving. I also remember the night that the restaurant received a shipment of moldy hamburger buns. Screams and panic ensued as the management went to check on each table. The buns were slowly discovered and, aside from my own mother ingesting a portion of one, it became almost like a sitcom plot. I think that our meal was free that night. And for you wrestling fans, it was an early 1993 evening in that restaurant when my dad informed me that both Kerry Von Erich and Dino Bravo had recently passed away.
If anything, most Pittsburgers probably remember the old menus. Instead of a folding paper/plastic menu, all of your options were on the placemat in front of you. Kids received a separate placemat featuring all of the kiddie choices. Admittedly, I got to know the grown-up meals a lot earlier than most kids. I was a growing boy!
But if the food wasn't good, I wouldn't have many memories to begin with. Fried clams, a breakfast sandwich known as the "Eggel Bagel," chicken burgers, and of course their legendary soups were some of my favorites. Even my grandmother, a recluse by the time that I was born, once commented to me how good the soups were at Kings. How did she know?
By the mid-'90s, we had noticed that the quality of the chain had dipped. We weren't the only ones. Our favorite staff members started to depart, and my family began going to a local family-owned restaurant over the formerly dependable chain. Although my parents continued to go for breakfast, I could probably count on one hand how many times I went back from roughly 1998-2008.
Once again living very close to that location that I "grew up in," I still stop in for a bite. It's nothing fancy, but that's never what I've looked for in a restaurant. I was raised to appreciate good service and quality. In the past year or so, some menu additions for the chain have struck me as odd. "Artisan" sandwiches have been a main feature, with the famous aforementioned "Eggel Bagel" being wiped off the menu. It's my hope that the new ownership realizes what the clientele, families and senior citizens by-and-large, want what they are familiar with. Solid, traditional, homestyle foods. Comfort food. Not..."just exactly what is this?" food.
My family enjoyed other establishments such as Pappan's and Eat 'n Park, as well as national names like Denny's and Bob Evans, but we always came back to Kings. Apple pie and cinnamon ice cream? A Kings staple and an occasional treat for me, but I'd rather have another bowl of beef vegetable soup...
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
WrestleMania XXXI (Play Button) Predictions
I feel as if we should still be wondering just how WrestleMania XXX will turn out. That's how fast a year has gone by. Here we are, hot on the heels of WrestleMania Play Button. Maybe the subtitle should be "Ready To Press Play?"
For one who doesn't always want all of the hype, I actually don't feel that they are doing enough as far as WWE Network goes. The "WrestleMania Today" shows from last year were very entertaining and exactly the type of "up-to-the-minute" hype/coverage that WWE needs for their biggest event of the year. That show will return, but why limit it to that? You have a twenty-four hour streaming network which is now the centerpiece of the company. Re-running terrible and pointless top ten shows unrelated to WrestleMania is the last thing that I would do, but that's what's on tap and I'm not running the company. For all that many of us complain about WWE having too much product overexposure, this is the one weekend where it's never enough.
Nevertheless, we should be getting between ten and twelve hours of live content between WrestleMania, the Hall of Fame, and their respective pre-shows. As I've made clear, I'm very content with the WrestleMania build. The "go home" episode of Raw? I couldn't believe that a snoozefest like that was all that they could come up with, but I was very satisfied with the rest of "The Road to WrestleMania," especially since creative had to deal with so many part timers.
So, what will happen on Sunday night? I can't tell you (but if you call the hotline...), but I sure can tell you what I think will happen...and what I'd prefer to happen.
Lesnar vs Reigns
What I think should happen...is for Lesnar to get a definitive win. You don't need to have Lesnar steamroll Reigns, but definitely show that Reigns just isn't ready to defeat "The Beast." As I said in my last entry, I'm not on the Reigns hater bandwagon, but he probably wouldn't have been my choice, either. Actually, I would have gone with Cesaro. Even after his complete post-WrestleMania botching in 2014, you easily could have built him back up. Is there a fan alive who wouldn't have loved seeing Lesnar vs Cesaro? Regardless, I would keep Lesnar as champion and have him either drop it down the line to Bryan (if he proves that he can stay healthy) or Rollins. I do feel that if you go with the latter, you have to turn Rollins face. For some reason, I don't see him as a heel World Champion, but definitely as a face.
What will likely happen...is Reigns goes over. Rollins could cash in and subsequently make himself the biggest babyface of the year by default.
Sting vs Triple H
What I think should happen AND what will likely happen...is Sting winning. You don't have Sting lose his first match both in the company and at WrestleMania. I think that the match will be similar to the Triple H-Lesnar match at 29, where it took a few viewings for the match to really click. Sting also factors into what I think should happen with...
The Undertaker vs Wyatt
What I think should happen...is for Taker to lose. Wyatt is great and the rub that he would get here only adds to his mystique. Taker loses two Mania's in a row? No problem. He needs to redeem himself in Dallas. Taker vs Sting. That way the match finally happens, Sting already has his Mania win, and Taker can win one last big one. I'd also make it Taker's retirement match and put him into the Hall of Fame in Dallas. Smoke and mirrors didn't work last year for Taker because of who the opponent was. Brock's best work is the high impact stuff and it just didn't gel with the Taker of 2014. Taker and Sting, however, could make it work in 2016.
What will likely happen...is that The Undertaker tombstones Wyatt and the whole deal is forgotten by the next pay-per-view. Sad, but true.
Orton vs Rollins
What I think should happen...is for Rollins to win. Yes, he has the briefcase, but he could still use a singles Mania win over a top star. Orton is at the point where he can lose and it isn't going to hurt. He's cemented his legacy by now, and while I was much more a fan of his in his earlier days, he's an instant Hall of Famer at this point. Rollins is just great. When the face turn happens, no matter when, it will be huge.
What will likely happen...is a win for Orton. When Jon Stewart was said to be appearing in his corner, I definitely thought that this would be the case. Regardless, I still think that we'll see Orton get his over Rollins and the gang.
Rusev vs Cena
What I think should happen...is for Rusev to pin Cena. This is coming from a Cena fan. I just think that they've done too much with Rusev for it to end now. This could also lead into a Cena heel turn. I've never bought the "this is why they won't turn Cena" excuses. They can do it any time that they want. Failure to save the dignity of his country could be the perfect catalyst.
What will likely happen...is that Cena wins. I like the idea of Cena bringing back value to the United States Championship, but that whole concept will be dropped quickly if he does indeed take hold of the title.
The Ladder Match
What I think should happen... is for Ambrose to take it all. I personally feel that his in-ring work has diminished greatly in the past year or so, but it's time for his hunt to be over and to get his picture on the wall.
What will likely happen...is that the secret eighth participant brogue kicks Bryan off of the ladder and takes the championship. I like Sheamus as a heel, so I'm just as satisfied with this.
As for the Tag Team Championship match and Divas tag, I honestly just don't care. If the New Day don't turn heel and take the titles, I'd prefer them to stay on Cesaro and Kidd. The Divas match should be a singles match for the championship. This is WrestleMania, not Raw.
And there you have it. WrestleMania predictions from someone who has no more idea than anyone else. The last time that my predictions appeared in print (Pro Wrestling Illustrated, May 2012, for the record), I was dead wrong.
What? I forgot a match? That's right, I did. And one of the ones that I'm most looking forward to, to boot. I have always loved battle royals and always will. I never understood "hatred" for them, but I think it's another one of those "bitchin'" Internet wrestling "fan" group-think concepts that I don't follow. Regardless, there is only one choice to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal...
For one who doesn't always want all of the hype, I actually don't feel that they are doing enough as far as WWE Network goes. The "WrestleMania Today" shows from last year were very entertaining and exactly the type of "up-to-the-minute" hype/coverage that WWE needs for their biggest event of the year. That show will return, but why limit it to that? You have a twenty-four hour streaming network which is now the centerpiece of the company. Re-running terrible and pointless top ten shows unrelated to WrestleMania is the last thing that I would do, but that's what's on tap and I'm not running the company. For all that many of us complain about WWE having too much product overexposure, this is the one weekend where it's never enough.
Nevertheless, we should be getting between ten and twelve hours of live content between WrestleMania, the Hall of Fame, and their respective pre-shows. As I've made clear, I'm very content with the WrestleMania build. The "go home" episode of Raw? I couldn't believe that a snoozefest like that was all that they could come up with, but I was very satisfied with the rest of "The Road to WrestleMania," especially since creative had to deal with so many part timers.
So, what will happen on Sunday night? I can't tell you (but if you call the hotline...), but I sure can tell you what I think will happen...and what I'd prefer to happen.
Lesnar vs Reigns
What I think should happen...is for Lesnar to get a definitive win. You don't need to have Lesnar steamroll Reigns, but definitely show that Reigns just isn't ready to defeat "The Beast." As I said in my last entry, I'm not on the Reigns hater bandwagon, but he probably wouldn't have been my choice, either. Actually, I would have gone with Cesaro. Even after his complete post-WrestleMania botching in 2014, you easily could have built him back up. Is there a fan alive who wouldn't have loved seeing Lesnar vs Cesaro? Regardless, I would keep Lesnar as champion and have him either drop it down the line to Bryan (if he proves that he can stay healthy) or Rollins. I do feel that if you go with the latter, you have to turn Rollins face. For some reason, I don't see him as a heel World Champion, but definitely as a face.
What will likely happen...is Reigns goes over. Rollins could cash in and subsequently make himself the biggest babyface of the year by default.
Sting vs Triple H
What I think should happen AND what will likely happen...is Sting winning. You don't have Sting lose his first match both in the company and at WrestleMania. I think that the match will be similar to the Triple H-Lesnar match at 29, where it took a few viewings for the match to really click. Sting also factors into what I think should happen with...
The Undertaker vs Wyatt
What I think should happen...is for Taker to lose. Wyatt is great and the rub that he would get here only adds to his mystique. Taker loses two Mania's in a row? No problem. He needs to redeem himself in Dallas. Taker vs Sting. That way the match finally happens, Sting already has his Mania win, and Taker can win one last big one. I'd also make it Taker's retirement match and put him into the Hall of Fame in Dallas. Smoke and mirrors didn't work last year for Taker because of who the opponent was. Brock's best work is the high impact stuff and it just didn't gel with the Taker of 2014. Taker and Sting, however, could make it work in 2016.
What will likely happen...is that The Undertaker tombstones Wyatt and the whole deal is forgotten by the next pay-per-view. Sad, but true.
Orton vs Rollins
What I think should happen...is for Rollins to win. Yes, he has the briefcase, but he could still use a singles Mania win over a top star. Orton is at the point where he can lose and it isn't going to hurt. He's cemented his legacy by now, and while I was much more a fan of his in his earlier days, he's an instant Hall of Famer at this point. Rollins is just great. When the face turn happens, no matter when, it will be huge.
What will likely happen...is a win for Orton. When Jon Stewart was said to be appearing in his corner, I definitely thought that this would be the case. Regardless, I still think that we'll see Orton get his over Rollins and the gang.
Rusev vs Cena
What I think should happen...is for Rusev to pin Cena. This is coming from a Cena fan. I just think that they've done too much with Rusev for it to end now. This could also lead into a Cena heel turn. I've never bought the "this is why they won't turn Cena" excuses. They can do it any time that they want. Failure to save the dignity of his country could be the perfect catalyst.
What will likely happen...is that Cena wins. I like the idea of Cena bringing back value to the United States Championship, but that whole concept will be dropped quickly if he does indeed take hold of the title.
The Ladder Match
What I think should happen... is for Ambrose to take it all. I personally feel that his in-ring work has diminished greatly in the past year or so, but it's time for his hunt to be over and to get his picture on the wall.
What will likely happen...is that the secret eighth participant brogue kicks Bryan off of the ladder and takes the championship. I like Sheamus as a heel, so I'm just as satisfied with this.
As for the Tag Team Championship match and Divas tag, I honestly just don't care. If the New Day don't turn heel and take the titles, I'd prefer them to stay on Cesaro and Kidd. The Divas match should be a singles match for the championship. This is WrestleMania, not Raw.
And there you have it. WrestleMania predictions from someone who has no more idea than anyone else. The last time that my predictions appeared in print (Pro Wrestling Illustrated, May 2012, for the record), I was dead wrong.
What? I forgot a match? That's right, I did. And one of the ones that I'm most looking forward to, to boot. I have always loved battle royals and always will. I never understood "hatred" for them, but I think it's another one of those "bitchin'" Internet wrestling "fan" group-think concepts that I don't follow. Regardless, there is only one choice to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal...
Friday, March 13, 2015
Just Another Crazy WrestleMania Season...
If I called this a "bitchin'" WrestleMania season, I wouldn't be far off track. Not "bitchin'" as in "it's been great" (although I don't think it's been bad at all), but because everyone has something to bitch about, or so it seems.
To clarify before we get any further, I have no problem with Roman Reigns. Would he have been my choice to book in the Mania main event? Probably not this year, but who else? Certainly not Daniel Bryan.
Suddenly, my face appears on the basement dartboards of Internet wrestling complainers...err..."fans" everywhere. No Daniel Bryan? How could that be?
I'll be the first to admit that I was one of thousands in the Consol Energy Center at Royal Rumble 2014 who was absolutely pissed that Bryan did not even show up in the Rumble match, but also that Batista won it. There was zero logic to it. Bryan had the most fan-backed momentum of any star in the company in at least a decade. As we all know, the booking shifted and "D-Bry" went on to have his huge "Yes Yes Yes" WrestleMania moment that everyone wanted.
That was last year.
Just a few months after, Bryan was injured, out of the picture, and seemingly with a finished career. That's no fault of Bryan, WWE, or his huge following, it's just the cards that he was dealt.
Fast forward to the end of 2014 and a miracle has occurred. Daniel Bryan has found a doctor with a method to treat and heal his career-threatening injuries. He will now be in the 2015 Royal Rumble, leading many fans to think that he will win it.
He does not.
I will not even get into how obnoxious the Internet wrestling "fans" have been following the events of the Royal Rumble. I've known some pathetic and babyfied wrestling devotees in my day, but I had no idea that there were so many. Death threats against Reigns, Vince McMahon, and others in the company? Please. You couldn't even follow through with your threats to cancel WWE Network.
Yes, I complained about the 2014 Rumble, but I got over it. There was also no logical reason that Bryan shouldn't have won that Rumble rather than be awkwardly shoehorned into the WrestleMania XXX main event. We had a right to get vocal. We received a winner who was never any great shakes in the ring to begin with and had a moderate following at best during his peak. I won't even mention that the guy was a "part-timer" who had just returned after an absence of several years.
This year, the "fans" turned on a Rumble winner who is on the cusp of becoming a new star. Isn't that something else that is always complained about? "No new stars are ever made, just the same old, same old." And I shouldn't have to mention that this same man was being salivated over by many of these same "fans" just a few months earlier. That salivation ended when "precious" Daniel Bryan didn't win.
As I stated above, I wouldn't have had him win either. To begin with, the "Daniel Bryan Underdog Story" already happened! Why would the company book a retread for their biggest show of the year? Would Lesnar-Bryan have been a good story? Possibly. Would they have had a good match? Maybe.
Ultimately, if this were 2012-2013 Lesnar, it would have been okay. With 2014 Lesnar and the way that he has been booked, I don't know that I could have gotten into it. Lesnar has been booked as an absolute monster in the past twelve months in a style that really has never been seen before in WWE rings. All the flying knees in the world wouldn't have me convinced that Bryan could unseat "The Beast."
The other, and more important, reason that I would not have booked Bryan is the uncertainty factor. If I'm McMahon, do I put all of my eggs into the basket of a guy who has proven to be a bit fragile? What if this "miracle procedure" fails and suddenly Bryan can't go a week before the show? The group-think followers don't want to hear that, but it's true. Anyone can get injured at any time, but why take the higher risk? Sure, WrestleMania was built on risks, but with corporate WWE that's no longer necessary.
Do I agree with every decision that WWE makes? Far from it. But the only thing that is baffling me this season is the ridiculous backlash. It's telling that Bryan followers are so blinded by the guy that they can't see the bigger picture, but it's reality. I want to see the guy have a long, successful.run on top, too, but WrestleMania 31 just isn't the place for it.
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